Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Bet you didnt know

I know there has to be something hidden in the depths of my mind that I could share here. Give me a second or two to figure it out. Wait is that smoke I smell? I must be thinking too hard.

Bet you didnt know that I have a real issue with food touching me. If we go out to eat and my youngest is sitting by me it makes my skin crawl. Just seeing those little grubby hands glistening with grease or sauce or whatever he has found on his plate makes my skin crawl. Whats worse is he seems to know it and loves to come at me (its about the only time he wants to hug his mom). Oh and the lovely ladies at the gym daycare give them lollipops each night they are there (on the way out the door of course so I get to deal with the mess). I swear those ladies hate me.

Why am I sharing a bet you didnt know when I rarely answer those types of quizzes on other boards you may be wondering? Well you can read why here:

Yes thats right I am trying to win the Twilight giveaway. I have a serious obsession with all things vampire from Anne Rice to Charlaine Harris.


  1. Oh I am dying for the last Charlaine Harris book to come out in paperback!!! I hate paying so much for a hardback!

  2. why do people feel the need to give kids lollipops in the middle of a childhood obesity epidemic? Sorry, a pet peeve of mine lol. I didn't know that about the food, kids don't make that easy.

